The emancipation of Serbia will be evaluated based on the treatment of the municipalities in the Preševo Valley The Kosovo knot is beginning to unravel. […]
In Search of ‘Society’ Two years ago the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune was marked. It was an event that brought about the workers’ seizure […]
Stop making sense! I’m not falling for the exemption anymore: we are all responsible! That hasn’t interested me ever since I realized that they have committed […]
Political mood, diagnosis, and insult Slobodan’s images may not require words. We, who look at them, do need them and share them as soon as we […]
One of the main characteristics of dictatorial, tyrannical and absolutist powers is self-will and arbitrariness – in other words, the absence of a clearly defined and […]
Perspectives of Serbian society with quasi-elites It can often be heard that our society is deeply divided, that there is an unbridgeable gap between the ‘two […]
The power as a response to the silence of power How do people in Serbia today participate in politics? They walk and vote. Therefore, they cast […]
The unacknowledged virtues of the patriarchy More than two months have passed since Serbia faced the greatest peacetime tragedy in its modern history. From then until […]
Mass killings as a tragedy among us 1. The multiple murder committed by the boy KK can also be seen as the ultimate consequence of the […]
The power of the powerless ‘Power and violence are opposites: where the one rules, the other is absent’: is the formula which Hannah Arendt comes up […]
Are the Protests against violence “Serbian Spring“? 1. Protests “Serbia against violence” confirm to us that today politics is exclusively found in the realm of the […]
On the constants of Serbian politics towards Kosovo ’The only acceptable solution for Serbia and the Serbian people is the full reintegration of the territory of […]