Bulletin TENANT – Issue #2

The BULLETIN TENANT issue 2, 2014, continues to deal with topics that have been opened up in the previous cooperation of tenants, representatives of the Tenants’ Assemblies, urban planners, architects and all interested citizens within the project.
The second issue of the “Tenant”also deals with topics from the domain of housing, with an emphasis on possible forms of association of tenants and presidents of tenant assemblies, mutual cooperation and organizing in the local community.
The TENANT is the nbulletin of the Local Policies and Urban Self-Government project. The editorial team of the newsletter consists of: Igor Burić, Ozren Lazić and Branislav Kozarčić, in cooperation with members of the Group for Conceptual Politics and kuda.org, with Aleksandar Bede and Mladen Oljač.
You can download the newsletter for free by clicking on the following link: