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The BULLETIN TENANT double issue 13&14 – We published two issues of the TENANT Bulletin in September 2021, and its goal is to summarize the political […]

The BULLETIN TENANT issue 12, 2021, came out just before the final of the action promoting independent candidates who participated in the civic elections for the […]

The BULLETIN TENANT issue 11, 2021. In it, we touched on topics that we consider essential for determining everything that we as active and organized citizens […]

The BULLETIN TENANT issue 10, 2020, we thematically directed in two directions: on concrete problems that our neighbors, colleagues and friends are facing who we and […]

The BULLETIN TENANT issue 9, 2020. This time, in a modified format (more of a newspaper than a ‘bulletin’), we continued to deal with issues that […]

The BULLETIN TENANT issue 8, 2020 is not an emergency issue, but with this play on words, we refer to the fact that it was largely […]

The Group for Conceptual Politics from Novi Sad published issue 7 of the BULLETIN TENANT, 2019, within the “Local Politics and Urban Self-Government” project, which is […]

The Group for Conceptual Politics from Novi Sad published  issue 6 of the BULLETIN TENANT, 2018, within the project “Local Politics and Urban Self-Government”, which is […]

How we organize, when we organize The BULLETIN TENANT issue 5, 2017, continued to deal with topics that have been opened up in the past cooperation […]

The BULLETIN TENANT issue 4, 2016, continued to deal with topics that have been opened up in the previous cooperation of tenants, representatives of the Tenants’ […]

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Grupa za konceptualnu politiku
Bulevar Kralja Petra I 21, Novi Sad
tel: +381 (0)21 6333 013

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